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If you’re considering investing in a solar energy system for your home, it’s important to do your research and know the pros and cons of using a grid-tied system or going off-grid. Grid-tied and off-grid solar systems both have tremendous advantages and some disadvantages compared to one another. Grid-tied solar systems are more common among solar energy system owners, as they are still on the grid with the rest of the city. Being off the grid means that you are independent and providing your own power to your home 100%. If you are also interested in a program involving one time investment and life time savings, then feel free to contact us as we are the leading service providers of Solar Installation in Fresno, CA.

Going off the grid comes with great benefits and determinants. Here are some pros and cons.

Despite the bigger initial costs of going off the grid, having a larger supply of renewable energy will save you money from month to month on utilities. The amount of cash you save will be different depending on where you live and what kind of solar energy system you own. On average, the typical off-grid homeowner saves around 20 grand a month for over 20 years in most states.

With net metering, you can also sell energy back to the electric company, although you need to be tied to the grid in one way or another. If you are looking to use your own energy, you will still want to have ties to your local energy company in order to transition from grid-tied to off-grid.


According to solar companies in Bakersfield, California, the initial costs alone can be intimidating and are one of the main reasons why homeowners stay on the grid. It costs less to buy a smaller solar system and still be partially dependent on the electric company.


Being grid-tied does have its limits. When your neighborhood has no power, you have no power. Another benefit of going off-grid is that you will still have power even if the rest of your neighborhood does not. Power outages can be real nuisances, and you would like to have power all the time. Having 100% energy from the sun means that you are sure to always have power so long as the sun is out.

If you own a grid-tied solar system and a blackout occurs in your area, your house will still lose power, simply because it poses a threat to electricians that might work to restore power to the neighborhood. In which case, an off-grid solar system sounds like a more appealing decision.


If you are off the grid, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your solar system might not experience a few problems down the road. Being independent of the grid can be great, but it also can really sound terrifying if you lose power while the rest of the neighborhood still has theirs.

Because it is your very own solar energy system that goes haywire, that means it is your problem to fix, not the city’s problem. You will need to study your solar system and read up on possible errors along with the right ways to fix them so that you can solve the problems much faster. Keep your solar panels always ready by getting the most professional and reliable Solar repair Service in Bakersfield, CA.

Off-grid solar energy systems can be a real luxury, but they can also be more trouble than they are worth. The point is that you have options. If you’re still unsure about which solar energy system is best for your home, contact us, and one of our solar energy specialists can help!